
- Gemert
- 2016
- Bouwgrondplatform
- bouwgrondvinden.nl
Bouwgrondvinden.nl is an online platform for the development of commercial land; the website shows all available land in The Netherlands at a glance. A lot of development land is offered by municipalities, companies and private owners, yet it often remains unclear who is the owner of a specific plot. Bouwgrondvinden.nl provides this information.
This database has been created with the help of various landowners. A daily update ensures it stays complete and up-to-date. Bouwgrondvinden.nl is able to mediate quickly between buyers and sellers thanks to extensive experience, know-how, and excellent supplier relations.

How can we help?
Whether you have an enquiry or want to know more about the Van Dijk Group, please leave your contact details and we will be in touch. First meetings and initial discussions are obligation-free.
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