VDG Unibouw

- Gemert
- 2005
- Construction company
- www.unibouw.eu
Unibow’s speciality lies in creating high-quality commercial real estate in a short amount of time. Unibouw makes things easy for customers by delivering custom-made solutions based on modular standardisation. Unibouw has completed nearly 1,000 projects, ranging from 1,000 sq m to 100,000 sq m for industry-leading companies like Lidl, FrieslandCampina, TNT and DSV.
Unibouw was honoured to receive the ‘FD Gazellen Award’ for the Netherlands’ fastest growing company. Also, Unibouw has been elected ‘Best Managed Company,’ reaching the ‘Entrepeneur of the Year’ finals.

How can we help?
Whether you have an enquiry or want to know more about the Van Dijk Group, please leave your contact details and we will be in touch. First meetings and initial discussions are obligation-free.
Contact us